One reason why Rodney's birthday party sticks in my memory is because that was where I ate the best * I have ever had.!@#$@!
A "steak" is a cut of meat, while a "stake" is a pointed stick pushed into the ground.
!@#$@!steak!@#$@!stake$%^%$As the flower girl, Ava's job was to sprinkle rose * down the aisle before the bride arrived.!@#$@!
"Petals" are flower pieces, while "pedals" are used to propel a bike.
!@#$@!petals!@#$@!pedals$%^%$My dog clearly wanted a * of the chocolate I was eating, but I refused because I knew it was bad for him.!@#$@!
"Peace" is harmony and tranquility, while a "piece" of something is a part of it.
!@#$@!piece!@#$@!peace$%^%$Lucy hoped that eating a few crackers would * her over until it was time for lunch.!@#$@!
"Tied" is the past tense of "tie," while to "tide over" is to support temporarily.
!@#$@!tide!@#$@!tied$%^%$Based on this year's massive harvest, I think we should plant * hills of squash next spring.!@#$@!
For a quantifiable object such as "hills," the word "fewer" is correct. If the sentence had been speaking more generally about squash, or something that couldn't be quantified, then "less" would be correct.
!@#$@!fewer!@#$@!less$%^%$When the author spoke about a talking donkey, it was an * to the Biblical story of Balaam.!@#$@!
"Allusion" is a passing reference intended to bring another subject to mind.
!@#$@!allusion!@#$@!illusion$%^%$Walking my dog is usually pleasant, until he picks up the * of a squirrel and decides to drag me into the woods after him.!@#$@!
A "scent" is a smell, while a "cent" is a monetary unit.
!@#$@!scent!@#$@!cent$%^%$As much as I love technology, it saddens me how few people still * letters to each other these days.!@#$@!
To "write" is to inscribe, while "right" means "correct."
!@#$@!write!@#$@!right$%^%$We watched the nature show intently as the lionesses gradually encircled their *.!@#$@!
"Prey" is the object of a hunt, while to "pray" is to ask or implore.
!@#$@!prey!@#$@!pray$%^%$The campus police were worried that a concert by a certain rock band might * some students to behave violently.!@#$@!
To "incite" is to provoke, while an "insight" is an understanding.
Which Word?
Each game consists of ten sentences with a word missing (represented by a blank line in the sentence). After the sentence appears, two words will appear on the screen. Your job will be to select the word which best fits the context of the sentence. Click the correct word to complete the sentence.
Work quickly but accurately; your score is based on how many questions you answer correctly, and how much time it took to complete each question.
This game is similar to
Proof It!, but is quicker and easier to play, since it does not involve any typing.
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